Marina Agana - Croatia

Marina Agana Info

Situated at the end of the Marina bay, Agana offers safe and peaceful shelter with masses of amenities which offer boaters a comfortable stay. The possibility of a fast and quality vessel service, free Internet access, a library and children’s playground are just some of the reasons why this marina receives better and better ratings from boaters every year.
NameMarina Agana
AddressHR-21222 MARINA, Dr. Franje Tuđmana 5
Telephone+385 (0)21 889 411; 889 412 +385 (0)21 889 010
RegionCentral Dalmatia

Marina Agana GPS coordinates

GPS location coordinates: 43°30'46.4"N 16°6'47.2"E

Map of Marina Agana

Here is a location map - right click on it to save the map image:

Nearest marinas to Marina Agana:

Nearest Lighthouses to Marina Agana:

Neighbouring islands to Marina Agana:

Nearest Campsites to Marina Agana:

  • Vranjica Belvedere Campsite ( 4.00 miles )
  • Seget Campsite ( 5.59 miles )
  • Labadusa Campsite ( 6.92 miles )
  • Rozac Campsite ( 7.28 miles )
  • Marko Campsite ( 8.11 miles )
  • Ante & Toni Campsite ( 11.31 miles )

Marina Agana Nearby Hotels:

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