Veruda Island

Veruda Island Info

Veruda is an unpopulated island with total area of 192214 square meters (m2). The lenght of its coastline is 1881 meters. There is no public transport to Veruda.

Veruda Island (also known as Fratarski island) stands as a testament to the enchanting diversity of Croatia's coastal landscapes. Situated near the historic city of Pula in the Istrian region, Veruda Island is a captivating blend of natural beauty, maritime heritage, and modern leisure. This island, with an area of around 5 square kilometers, offers a unique perspective on the intersection of tradition and contemporary lifestyles.
The island's coastline is adorned with rocky shores, hidden coves, and azure waters that beckon sun-seekers and water enthusiasts. It's an ideal destination for boating and sailing, with its marinas providing a safe haven for both locals and visitors to dock their vessels. The island's history is deeply intertwined with its maritime legacy, evident in the remnants of ancient shipyards and fishing traditions that continue to thrive.
Veruda Island's charm extends beyond its shores, as it's connected to the mainland by a local boat. This accessibility makes it a popular choice for those looking to escape the bustle of city life without venturing too far. The island offers a mix of recreational opportunities, from hiking trails that traverse its lush landscapes to charming seafood restaurants that tantalize the taste buds with regional delicacies.
GPS Latitude44.82750000
GPS Longitude13.84083000
Coastline Lenght(M)1881

Veruda GPS coordinates

GPS location coordinates: 44°49'39.0"N 13°50'27.0"E

Map of Veruda

Here is the island's location map with nearby lighthouses and marinas - enlarge the map and right click on it to save the map image:

Veruda Video

Some Lighthouses in vicinity of Veruda:

Marinas in vicinity of Veruda:

Neighbouring islands to Veruda:

Nearest Campsites to Veruda:

  • Indije Campsite is at distance of 0.55 miles
  • Diana Campsite is at distance of 0.90 miles
  • Stoja Campsite is at distance of 2.58 miles
  • Tasalera Campsite is at distance of 3.70 miles
  • Runke Campsite is at distance of 3.96 miles

Veruda Nearby Hotels:

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