Marina Veli Rat - Croatia

Marina Veli Rat Info

The Marina Veli Rat is located in the northern part of Dugi Otok, in the cove of Pantera which is naturally protected from the impact of the winds. Positioned in idyllic surroundings, it offers its visitors an escape from the hurly-burly of everyday life.
NameMarina Veli Rat
AddressHR-23287 VELI RAT
Telephone+385 (0)23 378 072 +385 (0)23 378 072
RegionNorth Dalmatia

Marina Veli Rat GPS coordinates

GPS location coordinates: 44°8'37.5"N 14°50'54.5"E

Map of Marina Veli Rat

Here is a location map - right click on it to save the map image:

Nearest marinas to Marina Veli Rat:

Nearest Lighthouses to Marina Veli Rat:

Neighbouring islands to Marina Veli Rat:

Nearest Campsites to Marina Veli Rat:

  • Maritime Campsite ( 15.79 miles )
  • Zaton Campsite ( 16.98 miles )
  • Peros Campsite ( 17.12 miles )
  • Borik Campsite ( 18.21 miles )
  • Maslinovi dvori Campsite ( 22.75 miles )
  • Puntica Campsite ( 26.31 miles )

Marina Veli Rat Nearby Hotels:

Croatian Islands Photos

Cliffs at Kornati Archipelago

Baska, Krk – photo by Juraj Kopac

Cres Island beach - Lubenice

Dugi Otok Island - Telsacica (photo I.Pervan)

Orebic, Peljesac Channel - authors: I.Pervan /DZN studio