Rivanj Island

Rivanj island Info

The population on the island is 22 inhabitants with total area on the island 3615315 square meters. The population density is 5 inhabitants per square kilometer. The hightest peak on the island is 112 meters. The island is accessible by public transport (ferries).
More information:

GPS Latitude44.15139000
GPS Longitude15.03056000
Coastline Lenght(M)10346
Highest peak112
Population density5

Rivanj GPS coordinates

GPS location coordinates: 44°9'5.0"N 15°1'50.0"E

Map of Rivanj

Here is the island's location map with nearby lighthouses and marinas - enlarge the map and right click on it to save the map image:

Some Lighthouses in vicinity of Rivanj:

Marinas in vicinity of Rivanj:

Neighbouring islands to Rivanj:

Nearest Campsites to Rivanj:

  • Maritime Campsite is at distance of 8.67 miles
  • Peros Campsite is at distance of 8.88 miles
  • Zaton Campsite is at distance of 8.88 miles
  • Borik Campsite is at distance of 9.25 miles
  • Maslinovi dvori Campsite is at distance of 14.40 miles

Rivanj Nearby Hotels:

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