Ugljan Island

Ugljan island Info

The population on the island is 6182 inhabitants with total area on the island 51049186 square meters. The population density is 123.1 inhabitants per square kilometer. The hightest peak on the island is Šcah - 286 meters. The island is accessible by public transport (ferries).
More information:

GPS Latitude44.08639000
GPS Longitude15.16528000
Coastline Lenght(M)78745
Highest peakŠcah - 286
Population density123.1

Ugljan GPS coordinates

GPS location coordinates: 44°5'11.0"N 15°9'55.0"E

Map of Ugljan

Here is the island's location map with nearby lighthouses and marinas - enlarge the map and right click on it to save the map image:

Some Lighthouses in vicinity of Ugljan:

Marinas in vicinity of Ugljan:

Neighbouring islands to Ugljan:

Nearest Campsites to Ugljan:

  • Borik Campsite is at distance of 4.19 miles
  • Maslinovi dvori Campsite is at distance of 6.55 miles
  • Peros Campsite is at distance of 9.92 miles
  • Zaton Campsite is at distance of 10.26 miles
  • Filko Campsite is at distance of 11.52 miles

Ugljan Nearby Hotels:

Croatian Islands Photos

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Island of Hvar, photo by Damir Fabijanic

Zlatni rat Beach - Brac island - photo by Damir Fabijanic

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Cute Pine Tree